101 things

fhqwhgads 24 April 2003 @ 2:56 pm

Why am I so tired? I get 8 hours of sleep every night, but for the last few weeks, it's felt more like four. I am so worn out, and just feel like sleeping all the time. Unlike others, I don't have the luxury of taking a nap in the afternoon. I wish I did.

Well, I got my job back. Malia said she was concerned because she felt like I was just being so blase about Wyatt biting Zack. I mean, I'm not going to freak out about it hours after it's happened and been taken care of. I tell her when Wyatt bites one of her kids so she knows, and then she won't freak out when she's bathing her kids and sees teeth marks. Bleh. Anyway, I have my job back until we move, so things are better. :)

I love Strong Bad. Cathie and Laura, thanks for indirectly introducing me to him. My brothers and I are now singing Trogdor and fhqwhgads and The Cheat is Not Dead all over the house, driving my parents crazy.

I had a pickle-and-cheese sandwich for lunch today. Man, it's been so long since I had one, I'd forgotten how good they were. Yum. And a tall glass of cold apple juice. Cathie and I were talking once about deep and abiding love for a certain drink, and I've been thinking about it off and on ever since. I decided that I can't choose among three favorites, because it depends on my mood: apple juice, milk, and root beer. I think I told her that I also had a deep and abiding love for ruby red grapefruit juice as well, but I don't love it as much as the other three, so it's just an abiding love, but not very deep. And that root beer has to be A&W, Stewart's, or Thomas Kemper. IBC and Henry Weinhard's are okay, but not as good as the others. And store brands simply will not cut it. They often end up tasting like bubble gum or something totally wrong. Bleh.

I don't think I'm pregnant, even though I haven't had a period since I miscarried in February, but there's really no other explanation for why I'm so tired. Hold on...

Awww! I just went to answer the door, and I got flowers! Whee! They're from Malia and the kids. :) That makes me feel good, even though I'm still getting over being alternately ticked and bummed about the lost job thing. She brought us McDonalds for lunch yesterday as a treat to kind of make things up. I hope she doesn't feel like she needs to keep making up until we move. I'd feel bad.

Okay, it kind of boils down to this: Malia wouldn't have gone looking for a new sitter if she had remembered that I told her we were trying to buy a house. So she feels bad, because she kinda feels like she almost sabotaged our chances, even though there was no real loss of income, just the threat of it. Anyway, it's fixed.

The weather was so nice yesterday, almost 60! So Jay and Wyatt and I took a walk to a little park and played with him on the swings, and Jay climbed all over the playground and stuff (he's just a really big kid with a beard, hahaha). Then we stopped at Blockbuster to get a couple movies, and Mom calls.

Mom: Are you coming?
Casey: (long pause) Holy crap! The shower! I have to walk home to my car, but I'll be there as soon as I can!

I completely forgot that Yumi's baby shower was last night! I am such a dunce! But in my defense, there were a lot of things going on yesterday, including Maya throwing up all over my bathroom. *sigh*

I've never had a problem cleaning up all those child-messes (I don't want to get into it too much, but you know what I mean--diapers, not keeping their meals down, etc.), except that the smell of pee drives me crazy. I can't stand it. So...pee-wet beds, Jay will take care of you, when you come in a few years. In the meantime, all the other things don't bother me.

Oh, my head... I'm starting to get a migraine. I need to go open windows and take some drugs, yo. (LOL, now I'm starting to talk like Laura!)

Wow, what a diverse entry. :)

EDIT: Heehee! Laura, I just read your entry, and I have to tell you, I almost bought new outfits for your dollies the other day, too! But since I'm short on money (though long on wishes), I resisted. Barely. :)

current mood swing

no one

in my head - Tori Amos - The Wrong Band

bleh, allergies....

before || after

last five:

too much to keep in
Today's Episode: Dad learns he is not Superman
sometimes you just can't think of anything witty to say
(insert witty title here)

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