101 things

maybe one day she'll be her own 21 April 2003 @ 11:41 am

Thought I'd drop a line in here. Things have been slow in life lately, but I submitted a mortgage pre-qualification form today, so hopefully life will get more exciting in the next few days and weeks.

I have a dilemma... I love my son. He loves to wrestle. We wrestle with him all the time, and he's very rough and tumble. Zack is most definitely not. He's just as big as Wyatt, for all that he's five months younger (hey--it makes a difference when they're under 3). But the kid has zero muscle tone, and he's--a hate to say this, especially since he's a baby--such a whiner. His sisters will be playing with him, and Wyatt comes over and tries to play too, and Zack screams, even though Wyatt is doing the exact same thing Zack was laughing at his sisters for doing mere minutes before. And when the girls are at preschool, Wyatt will try to wrestle with Zack, but every time Wyatt even touches him, he cries like he's being murdered. It's gotten so bad that I have to put him in the crib with toys so no one wil bother him!

Malia says, "Maybe in about a month or so he'll have grown up enough to know that Wyatt's just playing."

I say (but not out loud to her, so as not to hurt her feelings), "But this has been going on for months. What are you not understanding?" The woman doesn't want to admit that her son is just not aggressive enough. She doesn't pay with him that way I've always played with Wyatt. And because of Zack's reaction to Wyatt trying to play kinda rough with him, I'm reluctant to play with him the same way I play with Wyatt.

Exmple: Wyatt is a brute. He walks into everything, and I don't think there's ever been a time since he started walmking that he hasn't had any less than three bruises, generally on his legs where he walks right through things, or on his head where he runs into the edge of the table, etc. He'll smack his head right into the wall, whine for a couple seconds, then keep going. If Zack even falls on his butt from standing, he will scream for a minimum of five minutes, and sometimes as long as thirty. And people wonder why I'm stressed?

I have to stop talking about this before I sound too much like a hater. I'm not a hater. I just don't tolerate screamers very well. I hope no one thinks badly of me because of this entry. I think I was trying to say, "I don't know how to make my son play more gently, or how to help Zack understand that the world is not out to get him" before this turned into a rant.

current mood swing

no one

Tori Amos - Crucify

my day sucks already

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too much to keep in
Today's Episode: Dad learns he is not Superman
sometimes you just can't think of anything witty to say
(insert witty title here)

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