101 things

Daylight savings is crap 05 April 2003 @ 11:54 pm

I have decided that there is entirely no point to daylight savings time in Alaska. Daylight savings time works like this: the sun rises at 5 am and sets at 8 pm, so you set your clock ahead an hour, and it makes it 6 am to 9 pm. In Anchorage, Alaska, the sun regularly rises in the summer at sometime between three and four, and sets sometimes between ten and eleven. Further north, there are places where the sun never dips below the horizon for days. Tell me exactly how daylight savings benefits us, huh? We should just be like Arizona and not participate.

I redid the Lola doll. Actually, I'm redoing the Lola doll. She's not quite finished. I found a doll that worked better, but the original clothes didn't look as good, and I had to figure out some way to make glasses for her. But I did finish my Cathie doll, and she is hott. Lola will also be hott when I'm done. And they'll both come with expansion packs. Lola will come with the Seduction Kit expansion pack, but I haven't decided what Cathie will come with yet. Depends on the accessories I have laying around. Got any ideas, Cath?

Spent much of the day out today. Had fun. Very tired. Our KMart is closing--all the Alaska KMarts are closing--in 8 days, so we went to see what we could find. Not much. I got a chair cushion, and a sweater, and a little black velvet dress, but that's about it.

Jay and I are seriously considering moving back to New York. The house he grew up in is up for sale, and he REALLY wants it. And I wouldn't mind. Not one bit. Not living in the house, that is, even though it was built in 1894, and older houses tend to give me the spooks. Living so far from my mom (and the rest of my fam, but especially my mom) is going to be hard, but at least I'll have friends this time, and a house (whee! I can paint and decorate however I want!), and I can always call whenever I want.

The more I think about moving, the more I really get excited. We'll do it the right way this time, instead of deciding a month before like the last few times. Bleh. The last time we moved, we decided and moved in the same week. That was the most stressful move I have ever made. But this time, we have to wait until the end of July for our lease to run out, but then we can go, and we may be able to take all our things with us this time. I think if the conditions are nice, we can probably drive down. We'll have to fly with the firearms another day, since you can't drive through Canada with them. Or maybe my folks would come down for a visit and bring them. :) Who knows? It's months down the road yet. We don't even know for sure that we're doing it yet.

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