101 things

Babysitting blues 27 March 2003 @ 12:34 pm

Ugh. What a day. (And what a crappy title for my entry.) I got up late, just in time to brush my hair and put on my robe before the kids were at the door. And when they come in, Malia says, "Did you raise your rates or something?"

I'm still kind of muzzy, but I say no, and explain to her that when I have all three of her kids for a whole day, it's $60, and since I had them an extra half of that time, I charge $30. It hasn't changed from the last time I told her. But she says that that's "so expensive!" Well, if you can't pay it, then don't go out at night! Or find yourself a cheap teenage babysitter whe doesn't charge you your regular day care rates.

I guess I should back up. It's spring break, and the girls didn't have preschool, so I had all three of her kids all day long. Then Malia goes to some Irish Dance thing that was in Anchorage (that I really wanted to go to), and goes out to dinner, so she offered to bring us Subway for dinner before she went. So she asks me what I want, and I tell her. She's already getting a sandwich for our boys to split (they're toddlers). That means dinner for everyone except Jay. So I ask her to bring a sandwich for my husband, and she says ok. So while she's gone, I feed her three children, bathe them, and comb out her girls' LONG long (tangly) hair and braid it for the night. Then when she comes to pick them up, I tell her it's $30, and she says she'll bring a check in the morning.

This morning she walks in the door with the kids, and she complains about how expensive it is, and tells me (not asks) not to ask for something for "everyone else" (everyone else? I only asked for something for my poor husband, who's been working massive overtime this week) because she paid $20 at Subway last night for dinner. So I tell her to just pay me $20 to deduct for our dinner, and she writes me a check.

Now I know that it's expensive to eat out. And I know that it's expensive for day care. But if you can't handle it, rent a movie and stay in for the night. A while back, the first time I had the kids for an evening, I told her in advance how much it would be, and she only paid me $25 because they came back earlier than expected. And so she usually pays me $25 for an evening, even though it's really $30, but she always has the check written out before I can tell her what she owes me, and who really wants to quibble over $5? But she asked me this time, and so I told her. And she complains? Well, hon, I don't have to watch your kids in the evening, and I'm the cheapest, most accomodating damned babysitter in town. I charge a little more than half of what she'd pay someone else, and she complains when I want my damn five bucks? Grrr...

Also, if it's so expensive to buy fast food for dinner, why doesn't she just let me feed them whatever we're having? If she's not bringing dinner for everyone, it's just as much work for me as if she didn't bring dinner at all. I thought that she was bringing dinner as a treat so that I didn't have to work so hard. Hmmmm... What's the point, then?

I shouldn't rant so much in here, but it's a diary so *sticks her tongue out*. I'm also sick. I've had a fever for three days, and today I have the burned popcorn belch. You all know what I'm talking about: when you're sick and you burp, and it tastes like stale, burned popcorn. Nasty. And I still have to work.

Does anyone out there want to give me a better job, that I can still do at home so I can be with my son? Because once I have another baby, I want to quit day care. So 9+ months from now (depending on when I get pregnant again) I want to be completely done watching her kids. Which means I have to find another way to make $1100+ a month. And she has to find herself another babysitter.

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