101 things

the joys of applying for college 11 June 2003 @ 12:24 pm

Today I'm feeling really weird. Know that feeling you get when you have a crush on someone really bad, and your heart is in your throat and your stomach is all flip-floppy? That's how I feel right now. Which is sill, because my husband's not around, and neither is anyone else I'd be crushing about. Not even pictures. So I'm kinda freaking out.

Okay, maybe it's nerves. I'm applying to college today. The application form won't load, so I may have to go in to the school office and actually pick up the forms. Orientation is really soon, so I really have to get a jump on this.

What am I taking, you ask? Well, since I love costuming so much, I thought about majoring in theatre with a concentration in costume design and construction. But the last few days I've had my sketchpad out again, and have thought about majoring in art instead. Some of the mandatory classes sound like a lot of fun, and I can probably still take costume design and construction on the side as an elective, so I think I'll have a go at it.

I've started a new diary for a LOTR fan fiction series I'm working on. Haven't titled it yet, and haven't got my layout up yet, but you can click on the fiction link in my menu to read it. Please keep in mind that I will be researching a WHOLE lot for it, since I haven't been to Britain, or at least not that I can remember. I'm waiting on being able to scan some original art for the layout. It will be lots of fun.

Hey! Maybe I can get a special discount on a laptop for being a college student! Woo! That would be so exciting! And maybe I could get a laptop sooner because of it. Oooooh, the possibilities.

I love to listen to Wyatt laugh. He's just finished watching The Emperor's New Groove, and he's laughing at the clips from the movie in Sting's video at the end. What's really hilarious is that it almost sounds fake, but when you look at his face, he's just looks so genuinely amused that you end up laughing too. Man, I love being a mom.

I need to do some serious work around my house. It's such a mess, and I have to have it all packed up in less than two weeks. *sigh* I'm feeling rather overwhelmed, which is why I'm making an entry rather than doing any useful work. I really hate moving.

GRRRRRR!!!! Freaking stupid SAT people!!! They won't send my scores to my college! Bugger! Well, at least the ACTs will go through, and I really only needed one of them. *sigh*

Want to hear something really sad, folks? My class rank was 2/25, and I only had a cumulative GPA of 2.769. Isn't that utterly depressing? I hadn't really looked at my class rank until today, but man. Hey, at least I could say I graduated second in my class. Hehehe...but when you're in a graduating class of 25, that really doesn't say much, I guess.

Ugh...bills. I hate bills. I hate credit cards, and I hate bank loans and I hate being in debt. This is going to sound really dumb after I just said I hate bank loans, but I really wish someone would give us a bank loan to consolidate our debt. They look at it, though, and laugh at us. "$7000? That's not a lot of debt!" Well, pal, let me tell you - it is when you have to pay over $900 a month just for your apartment and utilities, and your mom buys your groceries and your kid's diapers because you're so broke every month from paying all your freaking loans and credit card bills.

*sigh* So why on earth am I going to school when I have all these bills? Because I need to have some kind of education so I can get some kind of real job. I really don't want something out of my house, I'd much rather work at home. But I have to get some education to mould the raw talent into something useful.

Grrr! My domain is still not working, so the Sisters message board is still not up, which makes me cranky. I'm not cranky at Sean, because he helps me with all my web stuff and hosts me on his server free of charge and all that out of the goodness of his heart, and doesn't expect anything in return. He's so awesome to take time out for his little sister. So thanks, Sean, for making it all happen, but I really wish I knew how to fix it myself. That's what makes me cranky: lack of knowledge.

Anyway, I really ought to go clean something, so au revior for now, and I'll try to make an appearance again sometime soon.

current mood swing

no one


still feeling that nervy feeling...hope it goes away soon...

before || after

last five:

too much to keep in
Today's Episode: Dad learns he is not Superman
sometimes you just can't think of anything witty to say
(insert witty title here)

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