101 things

Cathie makes me laugh 08 April 2003 @ 11:15 am

Cathie is a riot. Read the message I left in her guestbook, then read parts of our convo from last night.

Cathie: aren't I sneaky?!
Casey: lmao, the sneakiest!
Casey: i was about to come looking for you
Casey: i was leaving laura a msg in her guestbook
Cathie: i feel so bad for her. i know very much what she's going through
Casey: *nods* me too.
Casey: i've been there several times
Casey: tho i must tell you, i saw my ex in the grocery store the other day
Cathie: well, if you caught my "pants" posting, that whole thing was about some serious unrequited love
Cathie: really? how was that?
Casey: still hanging onto his mother's apron strings and looking about 35 (he's fat and starting to lose his hair) even tho he just turned 22 a couple weeks ago
Casey: i caught the pants thing, and actually had stuff to add to it
Cathie: you dodged a bullet there!
Casey: jay laughed at him
Casey: so did i
Casey: i don't think he paid much attention to us
Casey: tho there's no mistaking me for someone else, since i have very distinctive eyebrows: one white, one brown
Cathie: cool

Cathie: you know "Katie" is actually talking to grant now!
Casey: lmao

Casey: ok.. pants: sometimes you wash them and they get a little tight, but if you run around and do stretches and just wear them for a little while, they're comfy again
Casey: ie, sometimes you fight, but if you really love your pants, you're willing to work with them until they fit again
Casey: especially the first few times you wash them
Casey: ie the first year you're married is the hardest.
Cathie: that's good! I know a lot of people are really surprised at how hard it is. just like you didn't expect your pants to shrink so much
Casey: jay and i fought all the time. but we almost never fight now. but we were willing to stick it out because we loved each other. i think people, unless their lives are in danger from their spouse, should have to undergo mandatory counseling and stay living in the same house for a year before they're allowed to divorce
Casey: then more marriages would work, i think
Cathie: i think you're right
Casey: or we'd have a higher murder rate
Casey: *shrugs*
Cathie: that's what the counseling is for. :)
Cathie: i think people are too quick to give up on marriages
Casey: lmao... right. but you could kill the counselor too
Casey: i agree.
Cathie: so have your eyebrows always been two different colors?
Cathie: i think it's pretty cool looking
Casey: nope. i came home from girl's camp one year with a white patch on my forehead that wouldn't tan, and it gradually spread.
Casey: the summer before high school.
Casey: now the lashes on that eye are streaked white just through the center
Cathie: wow. is it like a virus or genetic or something?
Casey: i don't tan anymore, because i look like a spot dog. the area right around that eye has no pigment, so it's just white
Casey: i think it's genetic. my great mabel went white at her center part at 16, and on my mom's other side she has an aunt who was completely white at 25
Casey: i think it's cool, but i get cranky when too many people ask me about it.
Cathie: crazy. i'm going gray, myself. my sister tells me every time we do my hair. she says there's quite a bit now.
Cathie: that's understandable
Casey: "why is your eyebrow white?"
Casey: "why is yours brown?"
Cathie: "Why do you care?"
Casey: *nods* i have a few myself
Casey: lmao! exactly!
Cathie: i'm gonna be coloring my hair till the day i die, i'm afraid
Casey: Gad made it that way
Casey: lol... i don't care. my "gray" hairs are really white, and since i have natural blonde highlights you can hardly see it
Casey: God, not Gad...
Casey: yeesh. i'm going to hell for that one.
Cathie: is that all it takes now? well then i'm probably really screwed.
Casey: lol, no i'm already going to hell

Casey: i love to just go smell coffee
Casey: mmmmmmm........
Casey: that's so naughty, tho, because then i want mochas
Cathie: ugh, i think coffee tastes like burnt dirt
Cathie: i have a thing for fried foods and candy
Casey: it's an acquired taste
Casey: mmmm... those too.....
Casey: i love fried food
Cathie: i don't get the point of acquired tastes
Cathie: especially with bad things, like smoking or alcohol
Casey: actually, i've always liked the smell, but i didn't always like the taste
Cathie: i mean, i had to acquire a taste for carrots, because they're healthy. i'm not gonna waste my time on bad things
Cathie: i do like the smell, yeah.

Casey: want to look at one of the houses we're looking at? it's not the one jay grew up in, but it's another in that town, and it gorgeous
Cathie: yes, lets see it

Casey: while the page is loading for it, i might as well tell you i put together a travel pack for your doll :)
Cathie: did you? i'm all giggly and excited
Casey: i have laura's address around here somewhere (she gave it to me about 2 years ago, hehe) so i'll send them both to her house
Casey: remember, the doll is not *really* you, just how you would look as a doll.
Cathie: may as well. it'll save on postage.
Cathie: why do you tell me that?
Casey: and i used the most modest stuff i could find, except that there's a bikini in her suitcase
Casey: jay kept telling me, "but it doesn't look like her!"
Casey: about yours and laura's
Cathie: i mean, i just wondered. i know the doll isn't me, really.
Cathie: i'd wear a bikini if i had the body for it. tasteful, but yeah.
Cathie: i think that being all pudgy has actually been a blessing, because it's kept me modest
Casey: well, the doll definitely has the body, lmao
Casey: lol, for me too :)

Casey: ok, i know the outside's not a whole lot to look at, but check out the inside pics
Casey: the address should be --- ----- st
Casey: just to make sure i gave you the right url
Cathie: yup. the outside is so cute! i live in a world of boring, southwestern, cookie cutter houses
Casey: i live in a world of boring split levels that were mostly built in the 70s
Casey: the town i live in right now is only about 60 years old
Cathie: i live in a split level. my town is probably 100 years old, easily, but most of it is about 10 or less.
Cathie: gilbert's a crazy li'l place
Casey: batavia, on the other hand.....
Casey: that's the city in new york where the house is, btw
Casey: anyway, batavia's about.... umm.... almost 400 years old?
Casey: very old
Cathie: that's the coolest name. it sounds like a pastry
Cathie: wow, that is old
Casey: lol, it's actually named after the republic of batavia, which is now the netherlands
Cathie: cool!
Casey: did you ever learn anything in history about the holland land purchase?
Casey: it was in the early 1700s I think
Cathie: uh, no. not so much.
Casey: i didn't know anything about it until i lived there, so don't feel bad :)
Casey: anyway, there's a museum there that tells all about it
Cathie: well okay. i mean to brush up on my geography this summer. maybe i'll work some history in, too
Casey: if you ever come stay on my couch, i'll take you there and we can look at all the super old clothes in the attic that people have donated over the years
Cathie: aw, man, it's a deal!
Casey: and we'll drive the hour and a half to palmyra and visit the joseph smith home
Casey: and if you come in the summer (not this summer) we might catch the hill cumorah pageant!
Cathie: oh, wouldn't that be neat! i've always wanted to go back east and catch some history, both church and secular
Casey: western new york is very cool
Casey: and we'll go to niagara falls, too (about an hour in another direction)
Casey: and maybe to the ren faire in sterling
Casey: whee!
Casey: so many fun things!
Cathie: wow, you've got quite a party planned!
Casey: and the carousel museum in buffalo
Cathie: we'll have laura come, and drag her to all the church history sites
Casey: we'll get laura to come too.
Cathie: man, what a cool place to live! AZ is so boring
Casey: i have two brothers-in-law to marry off*, so come! then you can live there too!
Cathie: but i can't stand the cold!
Casey: it's very humid, tho. that's the only thing i really don't like about it
Casey: it's not as cold as alaska, but they do get a lot of snow...
Casey: but there's real seasons, not like alaska.
Casey: we joke that here we have winter, june, july, and august
Casey: which is almost true...
Casey: we have 6 months of snow in alaska
Cathie: that's funny. we joke that we have two weeks of fall, a month of winter, and two weeks of spring.
Casey: but only about 3-4 in new york
Casey: lol
Cathie: i've been known to say things like "spring fell on a tuesday that year."
Casey: ROFL
Casey: i love that :)
Cathie: it's true, too
Casey: we don't have spring here. it's called "breakup"
Casey: it's nasty
Cathie: that sounds nasty
Casey: slush everywhere for about a month
Cathie: yuck
Casey: how'd laura react to "katie's" convo?
Casey: or dare i ask?
Cathie: um, she was disappointed.
Cathie: she hasn't really said much about it.
Casey: to say the least, i'm sure...
Casey: i feel so bad.
Cathie: i do too. but i'm glad that he didn't at least mention me. she was so sure he liked me
Casey: when she had that other poem up the other day, it almost made me cry.
Casey: right. very good.
Casey: how's grant responding to katie? is he trying to hit on her?
Cathie: if she drank, i'd take her out to drink it out of her system--not that i condone that
Cathie: no, he's just being friendly. well, there was one thing...hold on and i'll paste it in
Casey: right, but i understand the meaning
Casey: ok
Cathie: i'm not quite sure what it means
Grant: I get called a movie/music snob by my friends because I have too many opinions on everything... I just met you, I dont want you to take anything the wrong way.
Cath: i'm pretty easy going. besides, it's not like you have to make a great impression on me, anyway.
Cath: if you irritated me, i'd just stop talking to you.
Grant: yeah, thats not what Im going for.
Cath: because you're already madly in love with me? :P
Grant: you said it, not me. haha
Cath: i don't hear you denying it. :)
Cathie: that's the most flirtatious it's been
Casey: that could mean anything or nothing
Cathie: exactly.
Casey: it reminds me of some guys who used to be in my ward
Casey: three brothers, who were overweight, but when they would get up to speak in church or bear their testimonies, would talk like they were God's gift to women.
Casey: i had no idea grant used to be mormon
Casey: did his fam go inactive, or just him?
Cathie: i dunno. but the thing is, i just told him i was mormon, and he never even admitted to being one. he said his friends growing up were, but he actually said "I'm not Mormon."
Casey: "because you're already madly in love with me?" that's awfully arrogant of him, regardless
Cathie: whaa? no. *I* am ---------
Cathie: he's --------
Casey: ahhh... i had no idea
Casey: yeesh, i don't know these things :P

Cathie: it's really weird coming up with this fake person. he doesn't even know me! i said I "used" to live in gilbert and we moved when i was six
Cathie: well, we did, but to another house in gilbert
Casey: my apologies, btw, for mixing you up with him and implying that you were arrogant
Cathie: no, that's fine. i laughed a little, but i can see why you would think that
Cathie: i'm not easily offended
Casey: because i don't think that at all about you
Cathie: i suppose i should have told you who was who
Casey: but grant, even tho i don't know him, kinda pisses me off when i read some of the stuff laura writes.
Casey: for a while now i've been like, what is your problem?
Cathie: i know, he irritates me, too.
Casey: i have to say something else about pants:
Cathie: i keep telling her he's not all she thinks he is. but of course, love is blind, deaf, and dumb
Casey: sometimes you look at them on the rack, and they're your size, but you think, "i don't think i'd like those," and so you don't pick them up, even tho they'd fit like a dream and make you look so hott
Casey: but you'll never know, because you won't even pick them up off the rack
Casey: true dat
Cathie: yeah, that was one of lori and i's thoughts.
Cathie: and then others, look sooooo good on the rack, and you try them on and you're like "These pants SUCK!"
Casey: i thought it sounded familiar....
Casey: right!
Cathie: i don't know if i posted it though
Cathie: this metaphor covered over six months of conversations, all told
Casey: *shrugs* a lot of it was in similar vein
Cathie: yeah. like, every time i talked to her, we always referred to things with AJ in regards to the pants metaphor.
Casey: well, it's a really good metaphor.
Casey: which reminds me of another that i heard at a youth conference once that i really loved
Cathie: maybe i should make it into a self help book
Casey: it's about having sex, lol...
Casey: LMAO
Cathie: oh, bring it on
Casey: anyway: playing tennis
Casey: you have to have two people to play
Casey: and you have to be on opposite sides of the net
Cathie: LOL that is fantastic
Casey: and you have to be in a tennis court, naturally.
Casey: you can't play tennis on a football field
Casey: it didn't mention anything about doubles, though...
Cathie: ROFL
Casey: i don't think we want to go there.
Casey: ROFL
Casey: anyway, you get what it means, right? i don't think i have to explain any of that...
Cathie: yeah, i follow
Casey: oy, i get really punchy late at night...
Casey: i can't stop laughing
Cathie: oh, when i get tired, i get silly/funny, then mean, then sick. so if you catch me when I'm still silly, it's a great time
Casey: lol

*This was a joke. I'm not trying to play matchmaker. Really. :)

Jay and I are still talking about New York. We've found a couple other houses that we like, and we're hoping we'll be able to qualify for a mortgage. The house he grew up in has a lot of sentimental value, but his mom was highly surprised that the people are asking for almost $80,000 when they bought it from her for $40,000. I mean, they did some remodeling, but not that much. There are two others, who are asking roughly $70,000 and $75,000, and we're looking at all three. I think we're going to ask Jay's mom to go look at the houses and see what she thinks. I don't know how comfy I am buying a house that I won't have a chance to go through first and see if it meets my needs, but things may not turn out as we plan.

The more we talk about moving, the more excited I get, even though I really love Alaska, and I don't really want to leave. But Jay is really homesick, and I wouldn't mind living there so much, because I know people there now, and I have something to occupy my lonely hours with: Wyatt. :)

But moving also means leaving things behind, and needing money to buy new. Like our furniture. Certainly we won't be getting rid of all our furniture, just the big annoying things like our couch and bed, which we want to replace anyway. But I have no idea how we'll afford a new couch, even a used one. Maybe when dividends come...

Whee! If we move to New York, then we can go to The Gathering without worrying about finding a hotel! Woot! But we will have to worry about gas, bleh. Sorry, random thought. :)

Must go, though I'd love to add more. Ciao. :)

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