101 things

The Barbie bug 22 March 2003 @ 10:59 pm

Went to see Chicago with Jay last night. Excellent movie. Not as good as, for example, LOTR, but good in the same way that Moulin Rouge is. I fell in love with the costumes. I loved the style from the 20s anyway, but this movie really clinched it. So today I got the Barbie bug again...

What is the Barbie bug? Well, I like to repaint their eye color and sometimes their lips, make new clothes for them, and have a totally new, one of a kind doll. So now I have four lovely flappers. I need to paint the shoes I found black, but other than that, I have four dandy new dolls to display.

Also, because I've been reading The Lola Show, I decided to make a Lola doll. I'm going to send it to her in the mail, too. When I find my digital cam I'll take a picture before I send it. It could have been much better, but I really liked it. I wanted to make one for Cathie, but realized that I have no idea what she looks like, so I can't make one for her. Bum. So if you read this, Cathie, email me so I can make you a dollie too!

Anyway, I need to get paid! I spent a little more money today than I really needed too, because I bought the stuff to make the Lola doll and some of the stuff for the flappers, but also the Chicago soundtrack, and I was supposed to get paid (lol, I typed pain instead of paid, but that's what I have when I don't get paid...) on Thursday, but it's quarter to eleven pm, and I'm waiting for my check. Maybe I'll get it at church tomorrow. Or not. But we'll see how that goes.

My baby is so cute. He's running around in his diaper quacking like a duck and clucking like a chicken. He cracks me up. :)

A month ago today I miscarried. :( I didn't think about it, really, until just now. Sigh. I want to have another baby so bad!

Last night on the way home from the movies, Jay and I were talking about names for our future kids. Chicago really got me thinking. I really like the name Roxie, but I'd hate to tell my child that she was named after the murderess in a play. Bleh, how distasteful. Other girl names we like are Elanor, Rachel and Abbie. The boys names on our current list are Henry, Miles, Ethan and Elliot. (None of those are in any particular order.)

Wyatt and Jay are snuggled on the couch, waiting for me to get to bed with them. I have to teach Sunday school tomorrow (bleh) so I ought to go to bed now.

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