101 things

new image for layout 10 April 2003 @ 5:54 pm

Decided I didn't really like the other pic once I got it on the page, so I found another and tweaked it to the colors I needed in paint. And took off the lemon. I like herbal tea with honey, and I don't want that lemon spoiling things with my image. Bleh.

Anyway...I started writing this entry while I was waiting for Alia to come on the bus. She usually comes at about 3:50, but I watched and waited for the bus until 4:15, and then called the school district transportation office. I'm freaking out because the bus isn't here, and the lady says, "Oh, elementary schools let out at 12:30 today. They have parent-teacher conferences." Yeah. It would have been nice if Julia had told me so I didn't have a panic attack.

But I sure am glad that she didn't come, because I'm all lined up to watch Orange County and Bridget Jones' Diary tonight. Woo! Never seen either of them, but they've been highly recommended. Actually, I got Bridget Jones because Laura mentioned "fuckwittage" the other day in her diary and it really cracked me up. Plus I love Renee Zellweger, so I thought it would be worthwhile.

I upgraded to Gold! Woo! Now everybody else needs to do it too. Support poor Andrew! He runs so many other nice things for us, we should give a little love back to him. Now run!

(Okay, yeah, random plug for Andrew that he probably won't see, but it's all good.)

Soooo.... The moving/house-hunting/job-hunting/mortgage-hunting is going very slowly. I think the move is mostly dependent on whether or not we qualify for a mortgage and can actually buy a house. More when I know it.

Mom and April are in Texas visiting Mom's family. My Aunt Tammy is very sick. Mom is really upset. Tammy is her baby sister. Mom's also telling all my cousins that they need to get married so their mom can be there before she dies, which is a very real possibility at this point. April went down to meet everyone. I wish I could have gone.

Okay, maybe I'm totally irrational in thinking this, but I think Dad pays more attention to April and Yumi than he does me. I'm his little girl! I'm supposed to be more important! I'm not jealous of Yumi. I know Dad is trying to pay extra attention to her to make her feel welcome, since she's so far from her own family, but April is real competition. She's the same age as me, and much more bubbly and sociable. She's very nice, but she's moving in on my territory, and it's making me cranky. I'm his flesh and blood! I've talked to Mom about it before, and I was so upset that I was crying. How bad is that? But I'm the only daughter. I'm supposed to be his little girl forever, even when I have little ones of my own. Bleh. I have to stop this before it starts to sound too whiny. Wait, it's too late...

I have to stop writing before this entry gets too lame. Wait, it's too late for that, too....

current mood swing

no one

Lilo & Stitch dvd menu and my babbling boy

this entry is so lame

before || after

last five:

too much to keep in
Today's Episode: Dad learns he is not Superman
sometimes you just can't think of anything witty to say
(insert witty title here)

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